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How it works

We provide a wide range of service that will take you through the entire retofit journey

BER Assessment - Technical Assessment

The first step in your retrofitting journey will be to get a technical assessment – a Building Energy Rating assessment – for your home.

Homeology can provide you with a recommended BER Assessor or you can choose an independent assessor. Once your technical assessment has been completed you will receive a BER Rating. 

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Improving Your BER Rating

Once you have your BER rating our specialists can set to work on introducing options for you to improve your BER Rating.

If you have additional renovations or home improvements in mind, these can be included in your plan and both projects can take place parallel to each other to minimise disruption to your daily living whilst works are ongoing.

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Apply For Grant

Our partners with assist with all grant applications to SEAI.

If your home was built prior to 2011 you may be eligible for a grant of up to €35, 000 to upgrade to a warmer, more energy efficient home. You may have already considered some home renovations or improvements

Grants are awarded by SEAI through the One Stop Shop Scheme. Our partners will guide you through the One Stop Shop process, availing of all possible available grants

These grants are awarded by SEAI under the One Stop Shop Scheme. Older buildings tend to be poorly insulated and legacy heating systems don’t take advantage of the newest technology. Carrying out home energy upgrades will ensure that your home is warmer and more comfortable. You’ll also benefit from reduced energy bills and a decreased carbon footprint.

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Your Plan

Based on your BER Rating, Homeology will provide you with a comprehensive plan for your project, with goals and milestones, included to reach your preferred BER rating.

There are a wide range of retrofitting options available.

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